Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rainy Day Love

Here's a sneak peek of today's project,
But first...I bought this book about a year ago, when my crafting craze started.It's a gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous book.
If you've never looked in it, then I highly recommend hunting it down in Barnes and Noble, or the library. Just looking at the pictures is incredibly inspiring. I couldn't wait to try a new art. The first one I chose was quilling. I made a couple of projects, and then put it away...for months
(you know how that goes.)

Yesterday I decided to give it another try. I cleaned up a thrifted frame that I've had sitting around for a while, and painted it black.And made this lovely little piece.
I call it Rainy Day Love.
It's for sale in my Etsy shop, Springtime Flowers.

Note: I added a link to Springtime Flowers in my sidebar,
so it's always there...
you know, in case you need it.
Confessions Of A Stay At Home Mommy
Todays Creative Blog
36th Avenue

Join  us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap<br /> up           party!


mrscamacho said...

I love that! SOoooo pretty! The clouds are just perfect.


how nice ..Lovely :)
Keep it up dear

Laura said...

Whimsical and pretty. It's just darling.

Mindie Hilton said...

So pretty!

I saw you at Market your Biz and wanted to invite you to a similar party.
I just wanted to invite you to share your pretty blog and great ideas at my Party Mindie Style link up. It runs every Friday afternoon through Monday Night, hope you will come. Your are welcome to link up Etsy shops , twitter, facebook, crafts, recipes, main blogs, and any projects you are working on. I also have an ongoing give away linky party on the right side bar up all the time. Hope to see you soon.

Red Rose Alley said...

That's a clever idea. I like the black frame and the torquoise in the background. Have a good day.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Carissa said...

The clouds are my favorite. They remind me of van Gogh's Starry Night. :)

Jessica @ Create-A-Torium said...

That is just so pretty - it made my day! Linking up to you at http://createatoriumcrafts.blogspot.com/2011/07/look-what-you-didhttpwwwbloggercomimgbl.html

Denton Blowjob said...

I love how inspiring your projects are.