Sunday, August 21, 2011


I know that fabric flowers are nothing new to DIY, but making something for the first time yourself is always new, and fun. I made this one to sell at the craft fair (didn't sell, although lots of people picked it up). Wish I'd remembered to clear out that little bit of hot glue from the center before I took these pictures.

I made this next one to wear at the craft fair, and I totally fell in love with it. The combination of eyelet lace and a vintage button (from my grandma's button stash) just makes me smile.

The fact that I have three more of these buttons also makes me smile.
I hope you have a wonderful week, filled with the things that make you smile. We're moving next Sunday, and this morning we adopted a puppy (more on her soon). So much to do!

The DIY Show Off
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap  up           party!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Candle Sets of Prettiness

I also made these little candle sets for the craft fair.
They were actually my favorite items that I made.
Aren't they cute?

This blue set was my favorite.
I think this idea has a lot of wedding decor potential.

Not a single one of my candle sets sold...
but this tiny wreath that really wasn't my favorite anything did.

The DIY Show Off

Todays Creative Blog

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cute doesn't always mean success

So today's craft fair was far from a smashing success. Sold a few things, but may or may not have broken even (I haven't gotten up the courage to add up the numbers yet). Still, I thought I'd share a couple more things that I made for it...none of these things sold.

Oh well.

The DIY Show Off

Friday, August 12, 2011

Monograms for Craft Fair

On Sunday I'm participating in another craft fair. Yay! Just thought I'd share some monograms that I made for it.
I Love this paper. Swoon.
Bright B

Lovely L

Summertime S

And I made these cutie little heart price tags to go on everything.

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap  up           party!

The DIY Show Off

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Randomness and Packing

Randomness from today...
  • I'm hungry.
  • Husband and I are moving from our apt, to a HOUSE at the end of the month, so I'm packing.
  • Three boxes packed so far today
  • There's a bottle of Sriracha sauce on my coffee table
  • I wish I had a project to share with you today...sadly I don't...soon!
  • Moving is a lot of work
  • I dread pulling out the stove to clean the sides (I'm a messy cook. Keepin' it real)
  • I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to participate in a craft fair next Sunday
  • I'm stalling because I hate packing
  • We've had lots of out-of-state company lately, and still one more guest before we move
  • I had a job interview on Thursday, in which I did not make a fool of myself...but that may be all that can be said for it.
  • I don't generally idolize celebrities...but I can't help but think that Emily Blunt, and Kathrine (the Duchess) are two of the most beautiful women in the world...coincidence that one is a British Royal, and the other portrays a British royal in my favorite movie (The Young Victoria)?
  • Better get back to the boxes
I'm working on a couple of crafty projects, and I'll have something to share soon. Don't give up on me.
Random stuff in the packing corner

Monday, August 1, 2011

Ravishing Red Wedding Flowers

Yesterday I had the pleasure of helping my friend Carissa put together some wedding flowers for a friend of hers. Carissa asked me to make six pomanders so that she could concentrate on doing the bride's and bridesmaids' bouquets. The pomanders were made of ravishing red carnations.
They were so easy, but the result was stunning! We hung them from Carissa's mom's chandelier to wait for their ride to the ceremony site. I couldn't stop looking at them! I wanted to take one home with me, carry it like a purse and then sleep with it (weird much?).
Carissa is an excellent florist. This is the second wedding that I've gotten to help her with, and I did her wedding flowers, so I think the feelings of talent are mutual. Anyway, here's a bridesmaid's bouquet that she made for yesterday.

And the bride's bouquet. I know I don't generally apologize for bad pictures, but I'm going to apologize for these. They don't do justice to Carissa's work. And I didn't know the couple getting married, so of course I didn't go to the wedding where all the flowers could be seen in their full glory. But I heard the bride was thrilled. Good. That's always what a florist wants to hear.
There were some red roses and carnations leftover (always best to order too many than too few), so I got to take some home and make my own arrangement.
One of my greatest pleasures in life is working with flowers, and having them around. I truly believe that they are a manifestation of God's love, glory, creativity, and beauty.

Isn't there something just spectacular about a rose?

The More the Merrier
Todays Creative Blog