I made this little wildflower scene for my mom and step-dad as a Christmas present. It was a lot of work; the flowers fill up an 8x11 piece of paper. It's the biggest piece I've done so far. I was a little hurried, and I don't think quilling was ever meant to be a hurried art. But I still think it turned out well. I meant it to look like a little wildflower patch. Anyway, the recipients liked it, and I have plans to do more projects like this. I would have taken more pictures, but I only remembered to take this one as we were headed out the door to the airport!
Linked up:
Sassy SitesThirty DaysTatertots and Jello
that is SO pretty! I think that's your best yet!
Ooh, very pretty!!
Beautiful job! So pretty!
Very pretty! With what looks like bluebonnets and evening primrose, it reminds me of my childhood home in Texas!
SOOO pretty! You're talented :D
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Great to meet you!
I absolutely adore that you are quilling. I sadly thought it was a lost art. Well done!
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