I made these on my grandmother's old, but steady machine. 

This evening Husband, who is wise in the way of machinery, helped me set it up, and together we figured out how to get it threaded. Of course it helped that it came with an instructional dvd. Anyway, I'm excited about the possibilities.
Linked up: Sassy Sites

And in support of my new-found excitement for sewing, my mother (who has been waiting approximately 20 years for me to take an interest) bought me a Singer Curvy sewing machine (it was on a great sale at Jo-Ann's).

This evening Husband, who is wise in the way of machinery, helped me set it up, and together we figured out how to get it threaded. Of course it helped that it came with an instructional dvd. Anyway, I'm excited about the possibilities.
Linked up: Sassy Sites

Well, welcome to the sewing world :)
Your pillows turned out great! Love the fabric you used!
I love the fabric you chose for your pillows. You should come by my blog and check out my dinosaur of a sewing machine. I talk about it in the post "Her Inner Baby Jane."
That is so great that your mom got you a new sewing machine! Great job on the pillows. Sewing is addictive, be careful! =)
(visiting from Tatertots and Jello)
Congratulations on completing your first sewing project! The pillows are beautiful... I love the paisley fabric. Definitely agree with the previous comment about sewing being addictive :) Good luck!
Gwen @ Gwenny Penny
Are you sure this is your first sewing project? These pillows look too good to be a first-timers project! Love 'em!
Oh I am putting a huge "LIKE" button on this post. :)
What a darling pillow!
I love the fabric you used - so cute!
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